December 16, 2010

Sorry it's been so long.......

Now I must apologize as we near the end of another year & my poor blog has yet again been terribly neglected. It’s been a whirlwind of a year with plenty of HIGHS & just a very few small lows. It’s been an absolute delight & I feel very humble at watching what started out as my hobby of making all things pretty & sweet with kiddilicious, grow into a small business. And there is no other to thank but the wonderful people (YOU) who have purchased, followed & supported me through every step of the way. There have been lots of learning curves along the way & I’ve enjoyed every part of it. And as time moves along so does my plans for kiddilicious. So for 2011 I hope to have plenty more to offer you all. There may be some slow steps in the making as I slowly transfer my ideas from my head to the making but as you stay tuned you will be able to watch these unfold. Exciting, exciting I can’t wait. xXx


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