December 16, 2010

Josh's 10th Birthday

Another milestone was celebrated this year with my son turning 10. He is my eldest child so to me that’s a huge milestone for myself. A whole decade of being a Mother. WOW!! Now usually in our family I make it that my children can have a big party every second year. And Josh is great with this & was well deserving of this years party. Now it was all up to him with the choice of party he’d like to have, but of course with a Mothers twist (well after all it is my celebration also). So Josh opted for a skateboarding/scootering party & his choice of colours for the colour scheme was black, red, grey & white. I found this rather hard to begin with…oh who am I trying to kid. I found it difficult the whole way through. Pinks & girly things are so much easier I must admit. So I searched & searched the internet for inspiration & something age appropriate (as most skating parties were too little boyish or too old). So with nothing coming up, I was left on my own. And as I always seem to have luck on my side, the things skate related & in the colours I were after just seem to pop up just at the right times….Yay for me!!!

The 13 boys & 3 girls had an absolute blast with most of the boys saying it was the BEST PARTY EVER!!!! They had real scootering fun at skate zone, scootering to some groovy music, bubbles blowing through the air & rock climbing to enjoy. But most of all, the boyz favourite thing was being let loose in what they thought was a Candy Shoppe…filling their bags & pockets to the brim. What a joy to see such excitement & pleasure on their gorgeous faces. The kids’ behavior was perfect. It was an absolute pleasure & delight to have each & every one of them attend.

Here are some pics I’d like to share of this special day. I hope you like what I came up with. Everything was handmade by myself.

Dessert Table

Myself & Bella


The Skatepark Birthday Cake

When thinking of skateboarding & cookies, this is what I came up with

Caramel Popcorn in some in cool graffiti cardstock

Decorating the room

Handmade Pinwheels made to represent skate wheels

Tony Hawk Loot Boxes

The boyz doing their graffiti signature on a canvas
this is going to make a great keepsake

Happy 10th Birthday

And where all the action took place!

Hope you enjoyed seeing what I came up with. Thanks for looking


Bella's 5th Birthday


So lets back track a few months....

In May I had the pleasure of celebrating my daughters 5th birthday. This year she started prep & turning 5 to me is a pretty big deal, like a little milestone. Now as time was an issue I was originally going to do something simple, like having it at McDonald's. But for those of you who know me really well, knows it’s just NOT in my blood to do that. Like I said, turning 5 is kind of special to me so how could I bring myself to celebrate in any other style but my own. So with no real time up my sleeve I had to get cracking. I ended up deciding on a party in the park. The night before poured with rain in typical sunshine coast fashion….panic stricken I had a girlfriend frantically checking the park grounds for suitability & muddiness & searching for another venue. But will another venue being not an option at such short notice we were then fortunate enough to have luck on our side. As typical again & also true to the coast, by 10am the weather had cleared. The clouds moved on & the sun was shinning…Yippee!!!
The morning was a success with 23 happy children enjoying face painting, bubbles, yummy food, climbing the towers & belting the piƱata.
Here are a few pics to share of her special day




Sorry it's been so long.......

Now I must apologize as we near the end of another year & my poor blog has yet again been terribly neglected. It’s been a whirlwind of a year with plenty of HIGHS & just a very few small lows. It’s been an absolute delight & I feel very humble at watching what started out as my hobby of making all things pretty & sweet with kiddilicious, grow into a small business. And there is no other to thank but the wonderful people (YOU) who have purchased, followed & supported me through every step of the way. There have been lots of learning curves along the way & I’ve enjoyed every part of it. And as time moves along so does my plans for kiddilicious. So for 2011 I hope to have plenty more to offer you all. There may be some slow steps in the making as I slowly transfer my ideas from my head to the making but as you stay tuned you will be able to watch these unfold. Exciting, exciting I can’t wait. xXx